Why aren’t removable batteries a thing anymore?

Why aren’t removable batteries a thing anymore?

Posted by Tehillah Mwakalombe on 27th Dec 2023

Many people have had it in the back of their heads wondering why have they stopped making smartphones with removeable batteries? Many people liked the option to be able to just simply replace their own battery at home to make their phone as good as new.

How to Get a Battery Replacement For Your Aging Smartphone | WIRED

Replacement batteries can be found online but you’ll have to disassemble the phone in order to remove the old battery and replace it with the new one. The replacement battery comes with the tools needed to install the new battery but it’s a process that can be very difficult without any understanding. At plus260 we also offer phone battery, screen and back glass replacements for affordable prices and free delivery and pick up to you!

How to Replace iPhone 8 Plus Battery at Home? | EK Wireless

But unfortunately, smartphones with user-replaceable batteries are quickly becoming a thing of the past. To answer the question of why, there are several reasons why the majority of new smartphones don’t come with removeable batteries, here they are:

How to Revive a Cell Phone Battery (with Pictures)

1. Attaching the battery directly to the phone’s circuit board allows the manufacturer to skip the installation of a battery holder. That means they make a little extra profit on every phone they make because that’s one less part they have to buy.

2. Skipping the battery holder allows them to make the phone a little thinner and lighter, both of which are appealing to most customers. And is better for making phones look and feel more modern.

How to get water out of your phone | ZDNET

3. Sealing the phone’s case instead of allowing you to remove the back to access the battery holder makes the phone more or less water-proof. And as you probably know, being waterproof is a huge selling point for most modern phones.

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4. When given the option of either tearing their phone apart or paying a tech to do it for them most people simply pay a tech support to fix it seamlessly because doing it on your own might be difficult and lead to you causing more damage. And they choose to buy a new phone in order to avoid that trouble and expense.

As you probably know, the smartphone manufacturers make a lot more profit when you hand over the cash for an entirely new phone. And by the way, this semi-forced upgrade system works rather well (you and many many others are proof of that).


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